Earnest Money



6 Stunning Facts About The Historic City of Vanport

How much do you know about the historic city of Vanport? Maybe you vaguely remember hearing about it in a passing conversation or perhaps you covered it a bit in school. If you’re like the average Oregonian, you probably don’t know much - if anything - about this...

What Are VA Home Loans?

http://videotap.wistia.com/medias/zxvb41phwg?embedType=async&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 What Are VA Loans? As the video says, the name is misleading - they’re not loans FROM the VA. The VA - short for “US...

What Is A Certificate of Eligibility, or COE?

http://videotap.wistia.com/medias/idzsgyqi9c?embedType=async&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 What Is A Certificate of Eligibility, or COE? The COE is the key document that verifies to lenders that someone is eligible for a VA-backed loan. Servicemembers,...

What Is A Rate Lock?

http://videotap.wistia.com/medias/py4nv3q3rx?embedType=async&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 Mortgage rates change constantly through an unpredictable combination of government policies and economic conditions. This video explains the common term 'rate...

What Is A Qualified Mortgage?

http://videotap.wistia.com/medias/zzp86y4am6?embedType=async&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 As this video explains,  Federal laws put into effect in 2014 and  supervised by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau define lending practices...

What Does Ability To Repay Mean?

http://videotap.wistia.com/medias/l0rg5ptgsh?embedType=async&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 What are the “Ability to repay” rules about? In a nutshell, as this video shows, new laws require lenders to make a good-faith assessment of a...