Earnest Money



Can My Settlement Charges Change?

http://videotap.wistia.com/medias/kww916f3xs?embedType=async&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 Yes, if circumstances change, such as: a natural disaster damages the property or affects closing costs the title insurer providing the estimate goes out of business...

Can Creditors Revise TRID Loan Estimates?

http://videotap.wistia.com/medias/fj6m486ynu?embedType=async&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 Creditors are generally bound by the initial Loan Estimate. They are permitted to provide a revised Loan Estimate only under certain changed circumstances. These include...

Could My Loan Costs Exceed The Loan Estimate?

http://videotap.wistia.com/medias/jdksd4x411?embedType=async&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 Yes, within defined limits. Service charges for which YOU shop and select a provider may change; the creditor is NOT responsible for providers who are NOT on their...

What Will The TRID Loan Estimate Tell Me?

http://videotap.wistia.com/medias/fgxalsmvg3?embedType=async&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 The Loan Estimate documents the essential facts and terms of an approved real estate loan. It includes: loan terms projected payments and loan costs cash and costs at...